ignite fitness & flow studio blog


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first impressions


Ignite Member since March 2023

I was excited and of course nervous when I first tried Ignite. I had seen posts from friends on social media about Ignite and knew it would be right up my alley. As a former dancer and cheerleader, I wondered if it would be like riding a bike, or would I embarrass myself? When I first walked in I could feel the amazing energy from everyone and all of the ladies were so welcoming.

I’ll never forget Laura P. telling me that I’d be fine, just follow along and I’d eventually get the choreography. I stood in the back left corner, hoping I would one day be as confident as the “front liners”. Fast forward to today: can’t wait to get to the gym each week!

The smiling familiar faces make every day a great day. The instructors keep the workouts different and exciting. I have never “craved” working out as much as I do now. I wish I could fit it in my schedule every day! 

My absolute favorite class is Dance and Body. A little dance, a little lifting. My endorphins are at an all time high after this class! I of course also love Dance Party because who doesn’t love a good old fashioned rump shaker? And finally, Leslie’s Weight it Out. It keeps my (short) attention and I get a great workout in. I have seen such a difference in my body from this class. 

My advice would be to just try it! This community of like-minded ladies is like no other. The classes are so much fun but you definitely get a good sweat sesh in at the same time! 

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